Rappgo Engineered Wide Plank Flooring
Floor For Life
When you lay a Rappgo floor, you get a floor for life, a floor with character and of the utmost quality. When you buy a Rappgo floor, you have the ability to obtain a surface that suits you and your purpose. Rappgo multi-ply floors guarantee shape stability and a minimum of gaps year after year.
Do you know the difference between multi-layer and a solid wood board? Stability. Wood is a living material and technically hygroscopic. This means that wood strives to maintain a balance with the relative humidity in the surrounding air. During periods of high humidity, wood swells – in low humidity, it shrinks or contracts. This natural movement can create gaps and cracks in solid wood flooring in winter.
We have developed a three-layered construction for our wide planks to minimize cracks and give a form-stable construction. This makes cleaning and maintenance easier. By gluing three to five different layers of wood together at a 90-degree angle to each other, we have produced a stable construction where the natural movement of each different layer is minimized. The result is a dimensionally stable board with a minimum amount of gaps between the boards.
Learn more at about Rappgo engineered wide plank flooring at Rappgo